PIN, a volunteer group of parents and caregivers with children who are students at New England-area independent schools, was co-founded by Joan Walter P’87, ’89 in 1985. Walter, a Life Trustee at Rivers, is also the current president of PIN. Dahlem highlighted in his opening remarks Rivers’ deep historical connection to PIN and spoke about the organization as one of Walter's “many incredible legacies almost thirty years later.”
The theme of teams resonates deeply with Dahlem, who has learned a lot about teamwork from his avocations as a musician and a mountaineer. Team opportunities, he explained, whether they be in the classroom, athletics, arts, or other co-curricular activities, provide a powerful opportunity for a school to live out its mission and values, and create space for Rivers’ educational philosophy of Excellence with Humanity to play out.
Drawing from the daily life of the school, Dahlem detailed the wide-ranging opportunities for Rivers students to experience teamwork firsthand, citing athletic teams, drama productions, robotics groups, Model U.N. clubs, and the bioethics program as examples. In Middle School, Rivers students participate in teams during all three seasons (fall, winter, and spring)—mostly in athletics, but also in drama and robotics. In the Upper School, team participation is required in two seasons every year—often in athletics but also in the arts and academics.
Posing a question to the panel, Dahlem asked, “Why are team environments so important?” Whether it’s soccer or stagecraft, students on teams experience “a shared goal and purpose; they're navigating a group dynamic that requires collaboration—an individual contribution to something larger,” Dahlem said. “Teams provide a real sense of belonging, shared purpose, and connection…such a protective factor for students’ health and well-being. They have a sense of place. They feel known, valued, and even needed. Every role is important…the musical doesn't happen without the tech crew.”
Dahlem recalled a conversation with Middle School students about the importance of teams. “Some talked about sports. Some talked about arts,” he said. “But they often talked about a sense of community in a small group, a ‘community within a community.’ That, I think, is a wonderful byproduct of participating on teams.”
Participation on teams also often fosters long-lasting relationships with caring adults. The support and encouragement of talented, dedicated teachers, coaches, advisors, and mentors cannot be underestimated, as Dahlem noted through additional conversations with students. One senior at Rivers mentioned how the support she received as a novice middle school field hockey player provided the foundation to play the sport in college today. Another senior, a musician, said that learning the beauty of jazz improvisation from years of working with the same music teacher taught him how to think like a professional musician, which he now aspires to be as a music major in college.
Team pursuits can also minimize the tug-of-war that students have with their phones, reducing screen time while being physically active and interacting with their peers face to face, forming three-dimensional relationships–yet another positive byproduct.
The panel responded to questions about the challenges of youth activities today, including overscheduling, early specialization in athletics, and pressure on students to perform. Dahlem had a solid piece of advice for parents: “The best thing to say to your child,” he said, “is ‘I love watching you play.’” This simple statement offers them unconditional love and support, no matter the outcome.
The event concluded with all four heads of school reaffirming the centrality of teamwork in their schools. For Rivers, teams offer a context to live out the school’s guiding philosophy of
Excellence with Humanity. In the “excellence lane,” Dahlem said, that means having high expectations and challenging students to become the best version of themselves through these endeavors. The goal should also be to surround students with support and see them as whole, which captures the approach of humanity. “We want our students to graduate bright-eyed, with full gas tanks, lots of curiosity, and ready for the next step in their educational journey,” concluded Dahlem.