Campers will only be dismissed to their parents/guardian's or any adult authorized (Authorized Adult) by the campers parent/guardian. Authorized adults may be added in your camp account. If you add additinal authorized adults during the camp season, please contacct the camp office so we can be sure to update our records!
For the safety of your children, we ask that parents and guardians respect and abide by the following morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up times. Campers enrolled in the morning or afternoon extended-day program have different drop off and pick-up times.
Morning Drop Off: Please do not drop your children off prior to 8:45 a.m. unless you have elected to participate in Morning Early Drop-Off program.
Afternoon Pick Up: Pick up time in the afternoon is between 3:45 - 4:00 p.m. unless campers are enrolled in the Afternoon Late Pick-Up program. Please note that this time may be adjusted when the season begins to best accommodate the needs of our camping families.
When parents and the camp cooperate, we are able to get campers into camp and on their way home safely, quickly, and efficiently. We request your patience for the first few days of each session as we adjust to the transportation needs unique to each session. Please follow the direction of the Camp Nonesuch staff members who direct traffic into and out of the camp in the morning and afternoons.
Campers who arrive late to camp or are picked up early must be signed in or out at the office by their parent or guardian.
Parents/guardians of campers who do not arrive at camp in the morning will be called to verify the absence unless the camp has been notified about the absence by phone or note.
If campers miss their ride or are not picked up, the parent/guardian will be called. The camper will remain at camp until a parent or guardian arrives at camp.